Tony A Makhlouf, MD
Board Certified Urologist
for appointments call
(713) 273-5845
West Houston location: 2500 Fondren Rd
Sugar Land location: 1429 Highway 6 South
Below are frequent questions I have been asked about vasectomy reversals. I also included answers to common "checklist" questions from other web sites.
Do you do vasectomy reversals?
Yes. I have specialty training in vasectomy reversals (I am "fellowship trained"). I also perform vaso-epididymostomy if necessary (most general urologists do not know how to do that)
Is the surgery done in the office (awake), or in a surgical suite under anesthesia?
In a surgery center, under anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. I prefer to use anesthesia because the patient is a lot more comfortable, and because the absence of patient movement improves the surgery technique.
Do you use an operative microscope? What suture size does he use?
Yes. I use microscopic 9.0 and 10.0 sutures.
What is the success rate of a reversal?
Over 90% of men will have moving sperm in their ejaculate after a vas-to-vas reversal. This is my personal success rate from my experience at the University of Minnesota from 2006-2009 and so far in Texas as well. Thi is not just based on expected results from published papers. The rate of pregnancy depends on the female partner , and is usually around 50-60% in the first year after reversal.
Do you do redo reversals (after failed reversal elsewhere)?
Yes. I have had success with reversal ( using a vasoepididymostomy ) after a failed previous reversal done by another surgeon.
Isn't IVF ( in vitro fertilization ) a better option?
The pros and cons of each procedure vary by couple, and are best discussed at the initial consultation. In general, however, a reversal makes more sense than going straight to IVF. The one situation where IVF would be better, is if the female partner has a fertility problem that makes natural conception difficult.
Can you harvest sperm during a reversal?
I offer this service to patients, but most chose not do it because most reversals are successful, and harvested sperm is rarely used. In the unusual case where a reversal is not successful, harvesting can always be done later. Please note that the surgery fee does NOT include laboratory processing and storage for sperm harvesting. The processing and storage fees are directly paid by the patient to the IVF lab of their choice, and generally are about $600 for processing and storage for the first year.
What is the cost of a reversal?
Insurance usually does not cover reversals. The cost consists of the surgeon’s fee , anesthesia fee and surgery center . Currently (2012) , this is approximately $5,400 total . This includes post-operative wound check visits. It also includes post operative semen testing , if done at our facility.
What is the cost of the initial consultation?
The initial consultation is billed to insurance. If insurance refuses to pay, or if patient has no insurance, the fee will be $98.00 ( standard new patient fee). This fee counts towards the surgery fee if patient chooses to go ahead with surgery
Is there a "money back guarantee"?
Currently no.
Do you provide a payment plan?
Currently no.
When is payment due?
On or before surgery date. Check or credit card accepted.